Passionate About Life | My PAL

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Life | Home-Based Certification

Danish's attempt to master HTML script and website building
Well, it is Sunday night again.

In retrospect, I think I did much better today than I did last weekend with Life What A Chore!

Nope, no chance to be lazy today. A second weekend that I become a "houseband", no longer a "Desperate Houseband" as I got the hang of really doing house chores.

Doug Savant as Desperate Housewives' Tom ScavoStart from morning, after my wife left for her booth, I got to read my Sunday newspaper. I got started on my house chores.

Cleaned the bathroom a bit, then proceeded to trim the Durantas. Yes, the flowers that bloomed so abundantly on the ends of the branches have wilted off but left beautiful little bright-yellow fruits.

I had to trim the wild growth out anyway, but too late to realize that some birds were feeding off the fruits.

As I was clearing, our "corridor garden" I was visited by butterflies and a few birds. The few birds were looking for these bright fruits but no longer there. The birds were startled when they saw me. I felt terrible to cut off the branches.

Rearranged the pots to give turns to other plants its turn to get sunshine and cleared dead leaves off the plants. The garden looked refreshed. I am pleased.

The Cave PosterHad lunch with my son and helped with his leftover homework. Watched "The Cave" movie on DVD with him then I dozed off. What!

I woke up near the end while Danish was engorssed watching till the end. I am getting old.

When it ended, we split to doing our own stuff on our PCs. He was in his room learning and practising on his Java and HTML scripts with a couple of ".... for Dummies" website building books that he borrowed from the library, while I, well, blog-surfed! Yeah!

Came dinner and I warmed up the food while he set the table. Roasted Chicken Rice was good. We discussed about some methods he read on "pull-down menu" scripts, etc...

Then he got back to his room to practise more on building his website, while I started my ironing. The toughest part of the day for me.

This time around, I was able to set the ironing board swiftly like a Pro. I was able to do ironing of my son's uniform shorts and shirts without breaking a sweat.

Well actually I sweat like a pig.

Sunday Ironings Achievement Feature!What I meant was, I became good at it that I was pleased with the no-leftover-creases and finished it in record time.

I did my clothes and pants and well, no double lines on the pants either.

I finally have graduated from ironing school. Maybe may try on extreme ironing sport. Nah! Cannot understand why there is such a sport.

Ironing with the sharks, ironing while jumping off a plane, a cliff, what is that all about?

Anyway, ironing all those clothes was not all that bad or tough anymore for me the second time around. Still not my favourite "past-time", but I have to contribute to the household chores too, or I will not feel right.

Nonetheless, these mundane but important chores still need to be done. We have discussed and are up to hiring a part-time maid to do them. Maybe come twice a week while one of us are at home to oversee things.

This way I can have my weekend with family that I crave so much every single weekday, my wife can have more rest times while she still tends to her business, and the lucky maid will earn some money too. A win-win... -win situation.

Oh, I will leave the cooking to wifey, definitely. Cooking with love is the best tasting meal you will ever get. Else it will be take-outs.

It is late and I just got a call from her that she will be reaching soon. She has just got off the bus and coming up any minute now. Time to open the door for her and set supper for her. Signing off.


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