Passionate About Life | My PAL

Monday, June 12, 2006

Family | No Acci-dental Pain

Tampines Street 33 | Clock Tower at Tampines Mart
For the past two weeks I have been noticing that on of my top tooth has been quite sensitive.

I felt it whenever I drank cold drinks. It got worse by the day, until I could feel the sensitivity from just gargling with running water from the facet.

I know I have been brushing too hard and just thought maybe if I were to change my tooth paste to Sensodyne, it will make the sensitivity go away.

It was a little too late for that, for I was in throbbing pain, though mildly, on Saturday night, that I had trouble sleeping. It was more irritating than painful.

It took its toll on Sunday night. I was tossing and turning that I disturbed Wify from sleeping.

I had to take Panadol and slept on a mattress on the floor, in the living room to avoid disturbing anyone with my constant tossing and turning in discomfort.

Brushing & Dentist Visits Are A Must!I believe it was my first full-blown toothache! It was not a good feeling.

I mean, when your skin itches, you get to scratch it. If you get a cut, you quickly hold and put pressure on it. Something that you can hold-on to to "numb" the pain.

Not with my toothache. The pain sort of like "moved around" and deep inside you just cannot hold the spot to numb the pain or have some kind of a relief. It throbs as it likes.

I guess that is why toothache sucks big time!

The pain was at the bottom left of my teeth. I had to poke my gums to find the pain, but unsuccessful. Waiting for Panadol to take effect was my only solace for the night.

Had to skip work in the morning and make an urgent appointment with my Dentist - Dr. Razally Jetty from Neptune Dental Group, at Tampines Mart on Street 33.

Fortunately I got the second appointment at 9:45am.

My Braun Electric Toothbrush is not enoughFor the first time, I was actually glad to be in a dentist's chair!

Explained to him about the major toothache at the bottom, and the minor irritation of a sensitive tooth on the top left.

But what a surprise! It turned out to be the total opposite.

The bottom teeth are perfectly fine, but the culprit was one tooth on the top jaw. It was the sensitive tooth that caused all the pain on my lower jaw!

It had a big... I mean really big cavity that when the dentist drilled in, the tooth was like hallow and brittle that it broke a hole at the centre! I could feel it with the tip of my tongue, how big a hole it was. How the nerves played tricks on me.

Fortunately for me, Dr. Razally was able to "save the ailing tooth" and patched it up nicely. When he was done, I did not feel sensitive when I gargled.

Almost an instant relief! There is a God!

A miracle of dentistry. Thank you Dr. Razally!

Now the lecturing part. He was mentioning that my last visit was almost 2 years ago. It could prevent a lot of unnecessary pain and saved teeth and gums.Was it THAT long?

I agree with him totally. I have repented.

Brushing | Dentist Visits Are A Must!Wow! A year maybe, but two?.... the last visit was still fresh in my mind.

I had to take antibiotics, pain-killer when it strikes, and something to reduce my gum from swelling because I kept poking on the wrong spot.

He gave it 3 days to settle and the pain to disappear, else I will have to come back to him for a ROOT CANNEL job! No!!!!

Costly and painful is what I think having a root canal done. He mentioned that it will cost me about S$300.00 to $400.00 for the job and another $400.00 if I needed crowning. Hope not!

I have learnt my lesson. Brushing alone is not enough. Visit the dentist every 6 months is a must.

I told this to Wify and my son. We will stick to this cycle religiously. Can no longer take it for granted, there is no acci-dental pain here. It is brought about when something is neglected.


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