Passionate About Life | My PAL

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Life | Babe, Baby, Babies!

... continued from My Life Today, Part 1

My Life Today, Part 2

"Hey! Look... Babies!" Chin Chye yelled.

That was what my son's neighbourhood friend said, when he first saw the hamster cage. In his hand, he had his own pet Saphirre hamster that he carried around.

"Ayah! Come quick. Puffy is having babies!" My son yelled as I was working on the newly arrived laser printer this afternoon, installing on Wify's PC.

Wow! This is indeed astonishingly great news!

Our son's pet hamster, Puffy just gave birth to 2 litters... if you can call them that, at about 4:10pm. She gave birth to more litters... all 6 of them within the span of 2 hours.

A bewildering one in fact. We did not know that Puffy was even pregnant to begin with.

Sure, we noticed that she had been putting on more weight and appeared larger than her "hubby" Buddy. That was because she has been eating more than Buddy does all this while.

Yes we did noticed that she started to eat even more, demanding more of her cheese treats than before and aggressively snatching the treats off Buddy.

Today, Puffy becomes a mother.

Her reaction towards us is very different now. Guess she is protecting her litters from everyone. She is going to be a wonderful mother.

Guess my Son is now an "uncle," Wify a "grandmommy" and me, a"granddaddy..." of all things wonderful!

With his new attained title, my son quickly surfed the internet for quick tips on what to do.

What he read and we followed were:
  • To separate the father from the litters immediately to prevent it from hurting the babies.
  • To not touch the babies and leave confusing scent to the mother.
  • To not clean the cage for at about 9 days for the same purpose as above.
SGH Clinic D  Clinical Lab K21Now we have to prepare a cage for Buddy until after 2 weeks when the babies mature and have to be separated from the mother, and Buddy can be with Puffy together again.

It has been a very unexpected, but exciting afternoon. Very happy we have new additions to the family. Hope they will survive and grow healthy.

Already my Mom offered to take one in to her care when these babies are mature enough.

Life is beautiful!

Oh no... I am not done yet. To be continued.


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