Passionate About Life | My PAL

Friday, June 30, 2006

Family | 40fied And Stronger

Happy 40th Birthday, Imran!
Guess what day is today?

Not really sure if this is a cause for a celebration, though... I turned 40 today.

The big Four-O! A year older, but yet to find out if I am a year wiser, than last year.

Wished there were something special today, but like any other day, the same routine. Hardly anybody at work remembered my birthday. I take it being 40 is not a cause for celebration there.

Anyway I received a sweet text message from Wify once I reached work and at my desk. That was nice to start the day with.

Then more text messages came in beeping my cell phone with well wishes. These were all from my insurance agents... from NTUC, from AIA and from Prudential.

After that, the day was pretty much mundane like any other working day. I kept my spirits up not so much because it is my birthday, but because it is a Friday, and a payday! Yey!

Funny right. this childish glee. That scares me sleepless sometimes. At 40 years old, I do not feel that I am any wiser. I feel just old!

So, with nothing interesting to write, I list down what it feels to be 40. No, no... just a year older:
  1. My slowing metabolism seems to bulk me up, but some say I am fat.
  2. My face starts to have defined "happy" lines, but some call them wrinkles.
  3. My hair tends to get natural highlights, but some say I am greying.
  4. Talk about sleepless nights, I would be in slumber-land right after meals.
  5. My left knee starts to crackle, definitely complaining about me.
  6. My back seems to freeze at one position right after bending down.
  7. I would write more, but my memory seems to... what was I saying?

Now, what am I grateful for at 40? Many wonderful things:

  1. I have a loving wife who neurishes my soul.
  2. I have an intelligent son who always amazes me.
  3. I have 2 loving parents who I just love so dearly.
  4. I have a nice house where my heart feels at home, I always want to be home.
  5. I have the opportunity to make my own decisions.
  6. I have have the freedom to practise my faith and culture.
  7. I have Blogspot to keep-safe my thoughts and speak out loud, in my own terms

I have my own sanctuary and I have my sanity. I got the gift of a good life.

I thank The Almighty for all these years and the opportunity to do the things I want to do... some are well... backlog agenda that I may decide to do and some just dreams to keep my spirits high and my hopes alive.

I love life. I am passionate about life. Happy birthday to me!

I am fortified and going stronger.


  • Happy 40th. Yes it truly is cause for celebration. I remember on my 40th I had to work over time. But my family was great. They took me out to supper a few days later. It turned out fine. By the way you share your birthday with my son. He turned 24 on June 30. Oh to be 24 again. Happy happy day to you and your wife.

    By Blogger wandi, at Sunday, July 02, 2006 10:01:00 am  

  • Hello Wandi,

    I overlooked this nice message from you.

    Oh yes... how I wish I could turn back the clock and be 24... I would settle for 30, and set wrong things right with the things I know now but so ignorant then.

    Then again, I will live my life as best as I know how and gracefully turn every year older and hopefully wiser.

    Thank you lots from us. Have a wonderful and blessed week!

    By Blogger Muhd Imran, at Wednesday, July 12, 2006 10:57:00 pm  

  • Hello Ellen,

    Thank you for the well wishes. I am happy that you came.

    Don't worry. I will come anyway and wish you a great HAPPY BIRTHDAY! to you.

    Post your birthday party pictures and my wife and I will come by your blog to celebrate it it you again!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear friend! Have a wonderful and joyful life ahead with your loved ones.

    By Blogger Muhd Imran, at Saturday, July 22, 2006 11:16:00 pm  

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